Monday, January 5, 2015


Happy New Year loves <3 I can’t believe 2014 passed by SO quickly! This year I’m really going to try and balance out my life! No, not the cliche “New Year New Me!” sort of deal, more of an organizing of my life. We all know how chaotic it can  be to live in this day and age. With new technology and limitless globalism, it’s as if there aren’t enough hours in the day! So my first baby step is to start exercising regularly. I don’t mean daily! That’s too big a leap for Anya-kind! However at least a few sessions a week would be nice. Particularly I’m looking to get back into yoga, but that’s for another post!

I also want to fix my sleeping habits! As a student, your sleep cycle and patterns are as hap hazardous as the roads after an ice storm! Completely unpredictable! But for your body and your brain to function properly, proper sleep is quite necessary! Now as I learned in a first-year neuroscience class, the whole 9-5 attitude of the world is actually quite inefficient! Ideally our bodies and brains work better when waking up and sleeping later, pretty much shifting 9-5 to around 2-10! However that is a whole other theory to get into, so for now just getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep would be the goal!

Also I really want to get back into cooking! Frankly cooking is not only much healthier for you, but also SO much cheaper than constantly eating out! Last year I really binged on the take out, and I could feel it in my constant fatigue and sluggishness. This year I hope to get into the cooking habit, which will also require extra planning and time management as a student’s life is one of constant GO GO GO!

Ultimately, this year I want to cherish every moment of every second of everyday! I learned in 2014 that we never get time back, and that we have to make the most of the time we have! So goodluck to all, I hope this year we can all take a step back, and really cherish what it feels like to LIVE. Cheers and hugs, till next time…
Anya <3

Monday, August 4, 2014

UPDATE | Summer Time Stress?!

Yes, even in the summer months of university break I decided to take summer courses! Yay me! (Note the sarcasm… However to make up for the lack of posts, I give you an adorable picture of my puppy!IMG_1853

Isn’t he just the CUTEST <3 Anywho soon I will have some posts up for you guys, and I’ll try and be more regular! Till then, hugs and cheers!

Anya <3

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Hey guys! So I’ve been watching a LOT of the TMI tag lately on the Youtubes and thought it would be a really interesting post to do, even on a blog :P It’s pretty long so without further ado, here it is!

1: What are you wearing? It’s finals time (unfortunately –_-) so as I take this break from my studies I wear a bat-wing camel colour top and my blue “chicks rule!” pajama bottoms with cute yellow chicks on them :P
2: Ever been in love? Nope, and I don’t plan to be anytime soon :P I’m overtly happy with the people in my life now, and don’t want to introduce anyone new and mess things up…
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Never had a relationship to break up, but I hope that when I do have a break up, it’s a clean one with no animosity, too much hate in this world as it is :P
4: How tall are you? Five foot six-ish :P
5: How much do you weigh? Around 100 pounds, I have always struggled with gaining weight but have learned to love and accept my body as it is <3
6: Any tattoos? No, but I would love to have one!
7: Any piercings? Basic ear piercings, got them as a baby :)
8: OTP? Ash and Misty from Pokémon! Is that just me?!? I always thought they should end up together!!!
9: Favourite show? Currently Downton Abbey, it’s sooo good I highly recommend it!
10: Favourite bands? Spice Girls!!! I have always been and will always be the #1 Spice Girls fan!
11: Something you miss? Living at home full-time, I hate being away from my family <3
12: Favourite song? Currently “Empire” by Shakira, her new album is really good!
13: How old are you? That’s giving a bit much away, but I can say I am young at heart <3
14: Zodiac sign? I am too proud to not tell you, LEO!
15: Quality you look for in a partner? Honesty and Chivalry, a person who is truly good at heart <3
16: Favourite Quote? I love my quotes but one that comes to mind is Carpe Diem, we are never getting younger and I believe that life is short and we must seize every opportunity to be happy and make others happy <3
17: Favourite actor? Hayden Christensen, he’s my husband <3
18: Favourite color? Always has been and always will be blue <3 In every shade and every hue…
19: Loud music or soft? Depends on the situation, but mostly I prefer music to be played softly in the background at all times :)
20: Where do you go when you're sad? I take a shower when I’m sad, I like to submerse myself in water, it soothes me…
21: How long does it take you to shower? Ooh, longer than I’d like to admit, but yea a good hour or two…
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes, but I can get ready in 5 if need be…
23: Ever been in a physical fight? I grew up with girls, I used to constantly be in physical fights :P
24: Turn on? Like I said, chivalry is such an attractive trait <3
25: Turn off? Selfishness, people who are too self-absorbed and into themselves…
26: The reason I joined Youtube? Haven’t yet, but I might :P I’ve had an account for quite some time now…
27: Fears? Losing a loved one…
28: Last thing that made you cry? Remembering a lost loved one…
29: Last time you said you loved someone? My dog over the phone :P
30: Meaning behind your Youtube Name? Same as my blog names, plays and nicknames…
31: Last book you read? Northanger Abbey, I am a HUGE Jane Austen fan!
32: The book you're currently reading? Daughter of Smoke and Bone, an amazing read, I am OBSESSED!
33: Last show you watched? Downton Abbey :P
34: Last person you talked to? On the phone, my mom, over messaging my cousin!
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? A good old friend who sucks at checking in –_-
36: Favourite food? I just love food, all food, I live for it <3
37: Place you want to visit? Ruins of any sort, I am fascinated with the old world!
38: Last place you were? My school!
39: Do you have a crush? Yes, Dan Stevens, he is soooo handsome <3
40: Last time you kissed someone? My dog, a few weeks back…
41: Last time you were insulted? I don’t remember, I don’t think a person would insult me if they knew me…
42: Favourite flavour of sweet? Chocolate! You can never go wrong with chocolate…
43: What instruments do you play? Used to play the clarinet, but that was in elementary school :P
44: Favourite piece of jewellery? The ring given to me by my parents <3
45: Last sport you played? Oh lord, I don’t remember…
46: Last song you sang? “Monday & Friday “by Tamar and Vince!
47: Favourite chat up line? Don’t have one :P I love nerdy ones though, so funny!
48: Have you ever used it? Yea, no…
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Months ago!
50: Who should answer these questions next? Whoever wishes to! Leave a comment below if you do, I’d love to see it!
And there you have it! My TMI Tag, quite a fun tag to do! I hope I didn’t give away too much info :P I hope everyone who reads this tries it out! If you do, let me know in the comments! Till next time, hugs and cheers, Anya <3
P.S. Good luck to anyone doing finals!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

NUPTIALS | The Bells Toll

‘Tis April and although the weather seems to never let up (I cannot STAND this never ending Winter –_-) it is officially well into Spring! And with flowers (supposed to be) blooming and birds (hopefully) migrating back we all know what time it is… WEDDING SEASON!!! I know I am probably hearing moans and groans right now :P Not everyone is fond of the bridezillas and un-godly early hours that come with weddings, but with all the hardships that may come, un-called for, with weddings, it is a time to spend an otherwise inconceivable amount of money, YAY!


I am constantly online window shopping for new saree designs and as many gorgeous designs I come across, it hardly seems reasonable to drop hundreds on something I’d wear for merely a simple event… However lucky for me finally I have a reason to splurge on a few new item! So although I am not quite sure what direction I will be going for the looks I will wear for this wedding, here are some inspirations I will be taking into consideration!


As you can see, my style varies greatly… But I love that about sarees! With each different colour combination, and each different design, you can style yourself into a whole different person! Sultry siren, or sweet fresh-faces doll, bright & outgoing or shy-pastels you can really portray such varieties within your personality, and I love that! I’ll update more on styling choices and what not, but for now I must go back to my studies… –_- Till next time, hugs & cheers, Anya <3

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UPDATE| Winter Blues

2014-03-04 17.23.58Hola Amigos! Long time no update, I know I know, bad Anya! I’ve been busy with midterms and re-motivating myself, this endless winter is really getting to me :( Thank the lords I have tea to get me through this, although it’s never as good as Mummy’s tea <3How’s everyone been? I know me and my friends are pretty stacked in work, can’t complain tho! I really love the material I’m currently learning so hopefully my marks reflect that :P This summer is also gonna be a busy one it seems, I feel like I’m slowly transitioning into adulthood a.k.a. slowly losing free summers :P Hopefully I can manage to relax somewhat though… Anywho just wanted to let you guys kno I’m not MIA, if anyone even actually reads this blog :P Till next time,hugs and cheers! Anya <3

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Hey guys! Wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Regardless of what your celebrating I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday season filled with good times and laughter surrounded by friends and family <3
Take care, enjoy your weather (warm or cold!) and remember tis the season of giving and love <3 Love you guys, take care, hugs and kisses till next time, Anya <3

Monday, December 16, 2013

CHEZ ANYA | Breakfast Croissant

Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing well! So after a week of non-stop exams and work, I finally had a free day! No alarm clocks, no waking up before the crack of dawn, and most importantly, no skipping out on breakfast! Now I love me some breakfast, but with the lifestyle of a uni student comes often missing meals… Shh, don’t tell my mom! Unfortunately healthy eating habits are not the top priority of students, but I do get really excited when I have the opportunity to make a yummy hearty breakfast!

So today I’m going to show you guys how to make a fairly quick and extremely easy break fast croissant! So the ingredients you will need are bacon, eggs, tomatoes (optional), a croissant, cheese, butter and salt & pepper to taste! This recipe is pretty simple, all you have to do is cut the croissant in half and toast it on a frying pan on medium heat. Avoid using a toaster since the buttery-crumbliness of the croissant might stick to/burn in the toaster. The you just whisk the egg with a dash of water, salt and pepper, and fry it in butter. Once done place it on the croissant. Fry the bacon and place it on the croissant, if you are vegetarian you can opt out of this, obviously :b Then place your cheese on top of the hot bacon so it melts nicely, and top off with slices tomatoes and your other croissant slice!


Voila, c’est fini! You have a hearty and easy breakfast, accompanied perfectly by some tea <3  Hope you guys try and enjoy this recipe, let me know how it turns out or if you have any suggestion! I am after all new to cooking for myself and open to motherly criticism :b Hugs and cheers, till next time, Anya <3 :)